Tactical Data Links for UAV
S-Band TDMA Data Link
Compact UAV data link for ISR communications
Our S-Band data link is a compact, low-power solution based on a TDMA algorithm, enabling the use of both point-point and point-multipoint communications. The system is ideal for a variety of different UAV platforms, enabling a range of tactical, mesh networking and swarm applications.
The unit incorporates an SDR (software-defined radio) modem with advanced modulation techniques for improved performance and spectrum utilization, and optional AES-256 encryption and spread spectrum techniques such as FHSS/DSSS.
The system can be used to establish ad-hoc mesh networks with robust self-healing and self-forming features, with a manually or automatically adjustable data rate of up to 10 Mbps. Users can automatically join, re-join or leave the network, and time slot reallocation allows high bandwidth to be provided to specific participants.
More information: S-Band TDMA Data Link
Auto-Tracking Antenna System
Long-range UAV communications antenna
The Auto-Tracking Antenna System is designed for use with our tactical data links, providing long-range communication for UAVs and drones. The ground terminal can be installed on both fixed sites and moving platforms, enabling half or full duplex bidirectional communications over a distances of up to 200 km with GPS auto-tracking functionality.
The rapidly deployable system consists of a ground data terminal, geopointing antenna controller and interface unit, pan/tilt unit, reflector antenna, and heavy-duty tripod.
More information: Auto-Tracking Antenna System