Anti-Jam GPS-GNSS Devices, Tactical Data Links, Telemetry Systems, Electronic Warfare Equipment


Anti-Jam GPS-GNSS Devices, Tactical Data Links, Telemetry Systems, Electronic Warfare Equipment

Tualcom is a leading developer of RF, electronic warfare equipment and communications solutions for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and unmanned systems. Our state-of-the-art products, tactical data links and anti-jam devices have been utilised by major defense companies both in Turkey and around the world.

We pride ourselves on both our world-class R&D capabilities and our continuously-improving and rigorously monitored quality standards.

Anti-Jamming GPS & GNSS Systems

Anti Jamming Technology

Our TUALAJ GPS/GNSS CRPA (controlled reception pattern antenna) anti-jam systems are the smallest in the world, providing protection against jamming, spoofing and interference in a compact and lightweight package.

With 4- and 8- antenna array options, these versatile units are ideal for both civilian and military applications, and can be installed on a wide range of UAVs, UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles), and USVs (unmanned surface vessels).

All units feature high-performance embedded GNSS receivers with PPS Ethernet and RS485 serial interfaces, as well as advanced digital beamforming algorithms for robust GPS anti-spoofing.

Four Antenna CRPA Anti-Jam Systems:

Simultaneous Active Bands Dimensions Weight Power Consumption
TUALAJ 4100 Anti Jam GNSS antenna4100 GPS L1
10 x 8 x 1.8 cm 240 g < 6W
4100 MINI GPS L1
7.2 x 7.2 x 2.275 cm 180 g < 6W
TUALAJ 4200 GPS Anti Spoofing CRPA antenna4200 GPS L1
10 x 8 x 2.7 cm 350 g < 12W
TUALAJ 4200-MINI gps anti jamming antenna4200 MINI GPS L1
7.9 x 5.65 x 2.1 cm 165 g < 12W
TUALAJ 4300 GPS GNSS anti jamming device4300 GPS L1 & L2
11 x 10 x 2.7 cm 460 g < 18W

Eight Antenna CRPA Anti-Jam Systems:

Simultaneous Active Bands Dimensions Weight Power Consumption
TUALAJ 8100 GPS GNSS Anti jamming antenna8100 GPS L1
7 x 13.9 x 1.9 cm 320 g < 24W
TUALAJ 8300 GPS Anti Jam CRPA8300 GPS L1 & L2
7 x 13.9 x 1.9 cm 380 g < 6W

Learn more about our Anti-Jam GPS-GNSS Systems >

Tactical Data Links for UAV

S-Band TDMA Data Link

Compact UAV data link for ISR communications

long range UAV tactical data linkOur S-Band data link is a compact, low-power solution based on a TDMA algorithm, enabling the use of both point-point and point-multipoint communications. The system is ideal for a variety of different UAV platforms, enabling a range of tactical, mesh networking and swarm applications.

The unit incorporates an SDR (software-defined radio) modem with advanced modulation techniques for improved performance and spectrum utilization, and optional AES-256 encryption and spread spectrum techniques such as FHSS/DSSS.

The system can be used to establish ad-hoc mesh networks with robust self-healing and self-forming features, with a manually or automatically adjustable data rate of up to 10 Mbps. Users can automatically join, re-join or leave the network, and time slot reallocation allows high bandwidth to be provided to specific participants.

More information: S-Band TDMA Data Link

Auto-Tracking Antenna System

Long-range UAV communications antenna

uav tracking antennaThe Auto-Tracking Antenna System is designed for use with our tactical data links, providing long-range communication for UAVs and drones. The ground terminal can be installed on both fixed sites and moving platforms, enabling half or full duplex bidirectional communications over a distances of up to 200 km with GPS auto-tracking functionality.

The rapidly deployable system consists of a ground data terminal, geopointing antenna controller and interface unit, pan/tilt unit, reflector antenna, and heavy-duty tripod.

More information: Auto-Tracking Antenna System

UAV & Drone Telemetry Systems

TUALRX Portable Telemetry Receiver

Telemetry system for UAV flight tests

Drone Telemetry ReceiverThe TUALRX portable telemetry receiver is ideal for flight testing and development of both fixed-wing and rotary UAVs. Supporting bit rates of up to 20 Mbps, the unit allows bandwidth to be pre-configured or automatically adjusted according to the bit rate.

The system includes a built-in test generator, internal test module that handles different data rates, IF (intermediate frequency) spectrum indicator, and telemetry quality indicator. Data can be transmitted to an external computer via an Ethernet interface.

More information: TUALRX Portable Telemetry Receiver

Telemetry Transmitter Modules

Compact drone telemetry transmitters

UAV Telemetry TransmitterOur ultra-compact TUALCOM telemetry transmitters, available in 1W, 2W, 5W and 10W models to suit a variety of range requirements, are ideal for small UAVs. They feature configurable data rates of up to 20 Mbps in 1 kbps steps

The IRIG-106 compatible, SDR-based units can be equipped with optional data encryption, FEC (forward error correction) and randomizer. Flexible architectures also allow the telemetry systems to be easily modified for higher data rates, different form factors and electrical characteristics for specific applications.

More information: Telemetry Transmitter Modules

Stackable Data Acquisition and Telemetry Suite

Telemetry and data acquisition modules in a stackable configuration

stackable drone telemetry modulesWe offer our data acquisition and telemetry systems as a flexible stackable solution that allows each module to be configured in a compact and identical form-factor to suit a range of UAV platforms.

Each telemetry unit is equipped with a UART for easy monitoring of collected data, and all modules are interconnected with a proprietary high-speed data bus that provides low latency and error resistant data communication.

Telemetry transmitter modules can be configured with 2W, 5W or 10W RF outputs, with PCM/FM, CPM and SOQPSK modulation. A GPS receiver module is available for positioning data and time synchronization.

Data acquisition modules available as part of the TUALCOM Stackable Suite include:

  • Digital (18x RS 485, 2x Ethernet, 10x TTL, 2x RS 232)
  • 16x ICP
  • 16x Differential ADC (8 with digital gain and excitation voltage)
  • 16x PT100/TC temperature sensors
  • Customised solutions

More information: Stackable Data Acquisition and Telemetry Suite

Electronic Warfare Equipment

TUALARIA Active Radar Reflector

Ideal for military training missions of guided-missiles and target drones

Active Radar ReflectorTUALARIA is a compact active radar reflector that is ideal for incorporation into target drones for the testing of radar-guided surface-to-air, air-to-air and anti-ship missiles, as well as drone-based decoy systems.

Operating on C, X and Ku bands, the twin-antenna system amplifies and retransmits incoming signals according to the programmed radar cross-section level. It is available with RHCP or LHCP spiral antennas, and the unit’s attenuator can be easily programmed via the RS-232 interface.

More information: TUALARIA Active Radar Reflector

Compact DFD Receiver

Low-SWaP, high-precision digital receiver

EW Equipment - Compact DFD ReceiverThe Compact DFD Receiver receives radar signals in the 2 GHz to 18 GHz spectrum and outputs 14-bit digital signals via an LVDS interface, with custom outputs also available. With a low SWaP footprint, the unit is ideal for small UAVs.

The system can be enhanced with switch multiplexer filters for the elimination of unwanted signals and can be stacked for multi-channel applications.

More information: Compact DFD Receiver

Compact IFM Receiver

Ultra-fast response PDW generation

Compact IFM ReceiverThe Compact IFM Receiver receives radar signals in the 2 GHz to 18 GHz spectrum and outputs pulse descriptor words (PDW) containing parameters such as frequency, amplitude, pulse width, and time of arrival. Outputs are transmitted via Gigabit Ethernet, and the device also includes an LVDS interface for critical settings and telemetry data.

The ultra-compact design incorporates advanced signal processing that can generate more than 2 million PDWs per second, with user-defined digital filters for enhanced versatility. The system can be enhanced with switch multiplexer filters for the elimination of unwanted signals, and can be stacked for multi-channel applications.

More information: Compact IFM Receiver


C Band UAV Data Link

Tactical LOS communication and control for UAVs

S Band TDMA MESH (ADHOC) Data Link

Tactical LOS communication and control for UAVs

L Band TDMA MESH (ADHOC) Data Link

Tactical LOS communication and control for UAVs

Autotracking Antenna System

Long range communication for airborne platforms and UAVs.

TUALAJ 8300-D GNSS CRPA Anti-Jam System

8-array CRPA antenna GPS/GNSS anti-jamming system

TUALAJ 4100 CRPA Anti-Jam System

Low-power 4-antenna anti-jamming system

TUALAJ 4100 MINI CRPA Anti-Jam System

Compact 4-antenna anti-jamming system

TUALAJ 4200 CRPA Anti-Jam System

4-antenna omnidirectional anti-jamming system

TUALAJ 4200 MINI CRPA Anti-Jam System

Compact 4-antenna omnidirectional anti-jamming system

TUALAJ 4300 GNSS CRPA Anti-Jam System

4-array antenna GPS/GNSS anti-jamming system

TUALAJ 8100 GNSS CRPA Anti-Jam System

8-array antenna GPS/GNSS anti-jamming system

GNSS CRPA Anti-Jam System TUALAJ 8300

8-array antenna GPS/GNSS anti-jamming system


Understanding GNSS and Anti-Jamming Solutions

Tualcom, a leader in anti-jamming solutions for UAVs, explains the basics of GNSS and introduces their cutting-edge anti-jamming products designed to protect critical navigation systems

Jul 12, 2024
Benefits of CRPA Antennas for Reliable Signal Processing

Tualcom discusses the advantages of using CRPA antennas for applications requiring anti-jamming technology, designed to receive and process GPS/GNSS signals in a way that minimizes interference and maximizes accuracy

Jun 25, 2024
TUALCOM Introduces Assured PNT Solution TRNAV at Eurosatory 2024

TUALCOM is showcasing TRNAV, the company’s advanced terrestrial navigation solution designed to operate with or without a GNSS connection, at Eurosatory in Paris, Hall 5B, Stand B203

Jun 18, 2024
The History & Methods of Terrestrial Navigation

Tualcom has developed the TRNAV system in response to the deficiencies of GNSS based navigation, providing accurate and reliable positioning information in challenging environments

Jun 11, 2024
GPS Anti-Jamming Technology Applications & Threats

Tualcom discusses the threats to GPS jamming, anti-jamming technology, applications, and what the future holds for anti-jamming

May 23, 2024
Product Spotlight: S Band TDMA MESH Data Link

TUALCOM discusses the S Band Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) mesh data link which is ideally suited to sUAS and tactical UAV platforms

Feb 22, 2024
Tualcom Names New CEO

Ali PastonoÄŸlu has been instrumental in Tualcom's global restructuring efforts since 2023 and serving as the CEO of Tualcom-UK, will now lead the entire organization

Jan 23, 2024
Determining Position Using Radio Waves

Tualcom explains the history and utility of radionavigation

Jan 09, 2024
GNSS Jamming Techniques & Mitigation Strategies

Tualcom explains the different sources of GNSS interference and jamming, and how anti-jamming strategies work

Dec 21, 2023
Differences in GNSS System Times

Tualcom explains the differences in the timing systems employed by global navigation satellite systems

Dec 05, 2023
Tualcom Opens UK Office

Communication and RF technology specialists Tualcom are opening a UK office in London, where the company will also be showing the latest anti-jamming technologies at DSEI 2023

Sep 11, 2023
Tualcom Develops Anti-Jamming, EW & Communications Solutions for UAVs

Tualcom, a leading developer of RF, electronic warfare (EW) and communications solutions for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and unmanned systems,...

Aug 05, 2021


Regional Offices & Locations
Tualcom Turkey Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi, 2119. Cadde, No:11, 06530, Cankaya, ANKARA, TURKEY +90 312 485 22 85 Contact Website