Cordis Array II Technology
Rapid point-to-multipoint data link communications
Our Cordis Array II technology enables point-to-multipoint tactical data links, forming wireless IP connectivity between multiple units with unmatched bandwidth and range, in excess of 250 km for larger radios and 20-160 km for smaller radios depending on selected bandwidth and combination of radios.

The Cordis Array II’s electronically steerable beam has no moving parts and constantly optimises the direction of transmission and reception, steering instantly in the direction of any desired unmanned aircraft or moving object. Featuring narrow antenna beams and embedded AES-256 hardware encryption, the unit exhibits a communication range and jamming robustness that is unmatched by conventional tactical data links or MIMO-technology.
The Cordis Array II’s rapid point-to-multipoint data link communications capabilities provide connectivity to all units in the network even if all units are moving. This enables a single ground antenna to operate several UAVs or unmanned vehicles simultaneously.

The Cordis Array II product family enables robust high-precision transmission of high-speed data, voice, video, telemetry and location data. All systems provide a maximum data capacity of 15 Mbps, with easy and efficient integration and interoperability with other IP-based systems. The picture shows the point-to-multipoint capability in the Cordis Array II system where a single ground station can operate several UAVs.