The EverClean program from Greensea IQ is a robotic solution that aims to prevent the deterioration of a maritime vessel’s hull condition from deteriorating after undocking, proactively maintaining it fouling-free and operating without a fuel penalty. Read more >>
Hull condition can have a significant effect on shipping efficiency and, as a result, can reduce an international shipping vessel’s ship’s carbon intensity. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from shipping, which account for 3% of worldwide emissions, by 40% by 2030.
Greensea IQ has released a paper outlining the impact of the EverClean service on two cruise ships, the effects on the hull’s fouling condition, and the resulting reduction in powering penalties.
The company goes into:
- The EverClean Service
- The Two Vessels Studied
- Fouling Assessment
- Powering Analysis
- Cleaning Impact
The company drew many conclusions from this research, key amongst them that the EverClean program presents a revolutionary solution to hull fouling in the maritime industry, contributing significantly to fuel savings and environmental preservation.
Read the complete paper, or visit the Greensea IQ website for more information.