Autonomous Amphibious Crawler Robots for Underwater Rescues, Surveys & Monitoring
Safe C2 Software plugin for enabling long-range command and control of ROVs
Safe C2

Software plugin for enabling long-range command and control of ROVs

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Safe C2

Safe C2 is a modular plugin for Greensea IQ's EOD Workspace software that provides long-range standoff command and control of marine vehicles such as ROVs (remotely operated vehicles), no matter the bandwidth and latency conditions. The hardware- and protocol-agnostic system can be utilized with acoustic, cellular, satellite or radio communication links.

Safe C2 allows operators to be located remotely from the ROV, providing enhanced flexibility and safety for both commercial and military operations. The software transmits the least amount of data necessary, and synchronizes data so that even with slight delays, sonar and video remain in sync.