Inertial Labs has launched the Kernel-100, a new compact industrial-grade inertial measurement unit (IMU) providing high-performance measurement of linear acceleration and angular rates. With three axes of MEMS accelerometers with 10 μg bias in-run stability and three axes of MEMS gyroscopes with up to 2 deg/hr bias in-run stability, all mathematically aligned to an orthogonal coordinate system, the fully calibrated and temperature-compensated unit features extremely low noise and high repeatability.
The fully-integrated strapdown inertial measurement system has been designed with a small footprint and low power consumption, is easy to integrate into OEM systems and designs, and is ideal for SWaP (size, weight, and power)-conscious air, marine, and land applications.
With continuous Built-in Test (BIT), configurable communications protocols, electromagnetic interference (EMI) protection, and flexible input power requirements, the Kernel-100 can be integrated into Motion Reference Units (MRU), Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS), and GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). It is highly suited to autonomous UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles) and UAVs (unmanned surface vessels), as well as antenna and line of sight stabilizations systems.