There’s a growing need for positioning solutions in automotive to satisfy Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) in autonomous vehicles. GNSS-reliant vehicles require lane-level resolution in order to navigate safely and reliably. Additional sensors are used to enhance this accuracy, but what role does GNSS play in these sensor suites?
Kevin Doherty, a technical sales representative with the Hexagon | NovAtel automotive team, explains how GNSS provides the foundation for an autonomous vehicles’ localization system as part of the Virtual Test Drive conference exploring autonomous vehicle testing.
Kevin outlines the needs of automotive manufacturers in all stages of production (including research & development, fleet deployment and scalable series production), and how autonomous systems are being developed to fully meet those needs.
Watch Kevin’s presentation below to better understand how GNSS+INS sensor fusion (SPAN) delivers consistent performance in safety and accuracy across varying weather conditions and environments.