ArduSimple has launched its simpleSSR GPS/GNSS RTK receiver for drones and robotics, allowing users to achieve centimeter-level accuracy without the need of a base station.
The receiver incorporates the u-blox F9 RTK engine, Sapcorda SAPA Premium service, and ArduSimple integration and pre-configuration, enabling plug-and-play deployment in just 1-2 minutes.
ArduSimple’s simpleSSR – Starter kit provides all components needed for a plug-and-play, centimeter-level positioning experience. The kit includes:
- Multiband RTK receiver
- SSR receiver
- 1 year unlimited data package
- 1 year SAPA Premium RTK-SSR service
The simpleSSR is suited to precision farming, survey and mapping, drones, and autonomous vehicles. The accurate position is available via USB, UART & I2C, but also via Bluetooth, WiFi or RS232 with the corresponding accessory.
Josep Olivart, Senior Consultant at ArduSimple, commented, “ArduSimple’s vision is to make centimeter level GPS/GNSS affordable and accessible to everyone. Removing the hassle of the base station is a key step towards it.”