Dynautics, a developer of intelligent marine electronics, has announced the launch of an enhanced Spectre autopilot module that can convert small electric boats into unmanned surface vessels (USVs). Boats such as the Teledyne Z, HR Wallingfords ARC and Seafloor Systems Hydrone can be now converted to autopilot operation.
This new E-Boat module features integration with survey packages such as Hydromagic, Qinsy and Hypack. Dr Henry Robinson, Dynautics CEO, commented: “We understand that the small survey boat market is very competitive and survey time is very valuable, so we decided to design a specific product for that market. The E-Boat module can be retrofitted to most small electric boats. The integration to survey applications means the surveying team spend less time maneuvering the boat and focus instead on the quality of the data. It saves time and money.”
The E-Boat module has been successfully tested and provides excellent track-keeping performance. Dr Robinson added: “Our customers are delighted by the performance and ease of installation. The automated survey track generation and following makes the survey quicker and easier for our customers.”