Teledyne Marine has enhanced the sensor suite of the Slocum Glider Autonomous Vehicles with the addition of JASCO’s OceanObserver passive-acoustic multi-sensor system. The new addition adds key capabilities to the versatile Slocum Glider platform.
The intelligent OceanObserver system performs in-situ, near-real-time underwater sound detection, recording and measurements. It can detect marine mammal calls from species of interest, quantify ambient and anthropogenic noise, and derive other information of interest. Acoustic detections and measurements are sent to users in near-real-time.
Slocum Gliders equipped with OceanObservers and CTDs (conductivity, temperature, and depth can also provide in-situ measurements of sound velocity profiles and ambient noise, improving sonar sensor performance prediction and vulnerability assessment. The combined system is capable of monitoring in any sea state over extended periods of time.
The buoyancy-driven Slocum glider provides long range and duration remote water column observation for academic, military, and commercial applications. It can be deployed and recovered from any size vessel with minimal time on station, and can easily be controlled from anywhere in the world through the use of web based piloting tools, allowing fleets of gliders to be operated remotely with minimal personnel and infrastructure. The modular platform can be rapidly reconfigured to respond to emergency conditions or situations, with over 40 sensors and other options available to suit a wide variety of ocean conditions and sampling requirements.