Inertial Labs has launched the INS-DU, a high-performance GNSS-aided INS (inertial navigation system) with a dual-antenna receiver based on the U-Blox chipset.
Providing highly accurate position, velocity, and absolute orientation data and centimeter-level positioning with RTK corrections, the INS-DU enables navigation in GNSS-denied environments for a wide range of unmanned systems, including UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), USVs (unmanned surface vehicles) and UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles).
The INS-DU incorporates Inertial Labs’ miniAHRS, which utilizes 3-axis precision magnetometers, accelerometers, and gyroscopes to provide orientation of the device under measure. The miniAHRS has been equipped with specially designed state-of-the-art algorithms that have been optimized for the motions of unmanned and autonomous vehicles and other robotic platforms. The miniature fluxgate magnetometers in the miniAHRS provide a distinct advantage over commonly-used magneto-inductive or magneto-resistive alternatives, delivering a highly accurate North reference.
The new module is a full navigation solution for both GNSS and GNSS-denied environments, supporting a wide range of constellations and signals. With a small footprint and a power consumption of 2.5W, it is ideal for SWaP (size, weight and power)-conscious platforms. The INS-DU also includes an on-board sensor fusion filter, sophisticated navigation and guidance algorithms and calibration software.