Tethered Boats

Find manufacturers of Tethered Boats and autonomous tethered vessels used for hydrologic data collection, ADCP measurements and hydrographic survey.
Overview Tethered Boats
By Technology Editor Last updated: October 20th, 2023

Tethered Boats

Riverboat SP Teledyne Marine Tethered Boat

Riverboat SP Teledyne Marine Tethered Boat

Tethered boats are autonomous surface vessels (ASVs) moored in a fixed position in order to provide a stable measurement platform. They are usually equipped with acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs). These sensors measure the velocity of river currents and discharges via use of the Doppler effect, in which a measurable frequency shift of the acoustic pulse occurs due to the movement of the water.

Tethered boats can also be equipped with depth sounders, as well as a range of radio communications and GPS positioning devices.