UAV Components: SAR, Radar Altimeter, Data Links, Telemetry, GNSS Products & C-UAS | Tactical USVs
MILSAR SAR/MTI Radar Synthetic aperture radar for UAV surveillance

Synthetic aperture radar for UAV surveillance

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The MILSAR SAR/MTI Radar provides UAVs with a versatile tactical ISR capability, featuring Moving Target Indication (MTI) for detection and tracking and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for high-resolution all-weather and low-visibility imaging, target classification and ground mapping.

The advanced system has the same form-fit mechanical interfaces as a standard 15" EO/IR gimbal, enabling the two capabilities to be swapped out as required on smaller UAVs that cannot carry both. On larger platforms, the two can work together in a “slew-to-cue” configuration for enhanced effectiveness in wide-area surveillance.

MILSAR provides Stripmap and Spotlight modes that enable high resolution long-range imaging even in low visibility conditions during the day or at night. Radar plots and tracks are displayed on a geo-referenced display and can also be overlaid on a digital map, and target range, bearing and speed parameters are instantly displayed on the operator’s console. Stripmap mode provides real-time, accurate ground mapping and radar imaging in sub-metric spatial resolution, and is used for wide-area surveillance. Spotlight mode is designed for change detection, feature detection, identification, and classification.

Dimensions (D x H) 37 x 44.5 cm
Weight 28 kg
Power 20-30V, 600W average
Max Altitude 22000 ft
MTI Max range up to 90 nm depending on target
Max no of targets: 1000
track capacity: 200
SAR Max range: 15 nm
Image resolution: 3 x 3m, 1 x 1m, 60 x 60 cm, 30 x 30 cm