Subsonus is a next-generation USBL underwater acoustic positioning system combining an industry-leading eight channel factory calibrated hydrophone array with an internal tightly coupled INS. Capable of operating at depths of up to 1000 metres, it fuses acoustic position and doppler velocity with factory calibrated inertial sensors and a depth sensor, providing highly accurate position, velocity and heading outputs.
Subsonus dynamically adjusts its acoustic transmit power based upon ranging distance, resulting in highly improved short range performance by significantly reducing noise and multipath. The system features the ability to measure the speed of sound through water using a revolutionary new technique, which means that it is self-tuning and no extra equipment or user intervention is required to setup the system.
Subsonus is ideal for station keeping, control and subsea surveying applications for both AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles) and ROVs (remotely operated vehicles).
Key Features: