Hydrographic Survey Equipment: Multibeam Echo Sounders, Side Scan Sonars, Sound Velocity Sensors & Profilers
MS400U All-in-One Multibeam Echo Sounder Multibeam Built in SVS & IMU + GNSS for USV Hydrographic Survey
MS400U All-in-One Multibeam Echo Sounder

Multibeam Built in SVS & IMU + GNSS for USV Hydrographic Survey

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MS400U All-in-One Multibeam Echo Sounder

The MS400U is a low-SWaP (size, weight and power) multibeam echo sounder that has been specially designed for small USVs and surface platforms. Featuring an integrated surface sound velocity profiler as well as the Applanix POS MV SurfMaster marine inertial sensor, it is ideal for surveying underwater terrain and bodies of water such as lakes, reservoirs and rivers.

The system has been specifically optimized to deal with large changes in attitudes experienced by smaller unmanned vessels, utilizing 512 acoustic beams with sophisticated dynamically-focused beamforming technology. The MS400U meets the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) accuracy standards for hydrographic surveys, as well as China's National Hydrographic Survey Code.


Dimensions 200 × 145 × 107 mm (Deck Unit)
φ220 × 181 mm
Weight 2.5 kg (deck unit)
7.5 kg (transducer, in air)
Power 10 - 32 VDC, 110 - 240 VAC 80W
Frequency 400 kHz
Number of Beams 512
Depth Range 0.2 – 200m (customizable)
Depth Accuracy 0.75 cm
Swath Coverage 143° (customizable)