Cost-Effective RTK GNSS Receivers & Antennas for Drones & Robotics
Base & Rover Starter Kits GNSS base & rover kits with radio modules for RTK data transmission
Base & Rover Starter Kits

GNSS base & rover kits with radio modules for RTK data transmission

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Base & Rover Starter Kits

The ArduSimple Base & Rover Kits include base and rover boards with radio modules that allow you to send RTK corrections between the two, as well as IP67-rated GNSS multiband antennas. These kits provide a cost-effective and simple way to evaluate multiband RTK GNSS technology with centimeter-level accuracy.

The kits are available in Medium Range (up to 1km), Long Range (up to 10km) and eXtra Long Range (up to 50km) variants.