ComNav Technology has confirmed that the company’s K8 series of GNSS modules is now capable of utilizing the Galileo HAS (High Accuracy Service) PPP (Precise Point Positioning) corrections service. K8 series module users around most of the world can now achieve positioning accuracy of 20cm without requiring any additional correction input or internet connectivity.
The Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) provides a free real-time high-accuracy positioning solution via the Galileo signal E6-B and the Internet. After receiving the Galileo HAS corrections, the user device must implement a PPP algorithm to process the corrections and obtain the new higher-accuracy positioning.
The latest PVT algorithm utilized by the ComNav K8 series supports the HAS service, and its accuracy meets the standard officially declared by Galileo, which is 20 cm horizontally and 40 cm vertically. This performance can enhance the capabilities of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), autonomous driving systems, and other unmanned and robotic platforms.
To view the results of using the HAS service in Asia, Europe, and South America with the ComNav K803 GNSS module, visit this page on ComNav’s website.