ADLINK Technology has introduced two new Computer-on-Modules based on the latest Intel Core processors, available in two form factors — a COM Express (COM.0 R3.1) Type 6 Module based on Intel 13th Gen Core mobile processors, and a Client Type COM-HPC Size C module based on Intel 13th Gen Core desktop processors. Utilizing Intel’s advanced hybrid architecture, with P-cores and E-cores, these modules combine power efficiency with performance, and fulfill various demanding AI, graphics, and mission-critical IoT applications.
The ADLINK Express-RLP provides up to 14 cores, 20 threads, 64GB DDR5 SO-DIMM, PCIe Gen4, and 4 displays or 2 USB4. Realizing high-performance computing at lowered power and exceptional performance per watt, the module is suited for AIoT use cases at 15/28/45W TDP, and also offered in industrial-grade, with extreme rugged operating temperature option.
The ADLINK COM-HPC-cRLS showcases up to 24 cores and 32 threads to deliver superior multi-thread and multitasking performance. It harnesses up to 128GB DDR5 SODIMM, and two 2.5GbE LAN. The module includes 16 PCIe Gen5 lanes and is designed for next-gen compute-intensive edge use cases, simplifying developers’ application-specific carrier designs and reducing time to market effectively.
Both of ADLINK’s two new modules are equipped with Intel TCC (Time-Coordinated Computing) and TSN (Time Sensitive Networking) support. With these features, the timely execution of deterministic, hard real-time workloads with ultra-low latency is ensured. TCC brings precise time synchronization and CPU/IO timeliness within a system, whereas TSN optimizes time precision for a synchronized networking between multiple systems.
Built for instantaneous on-device AI applications, these new ADLINK COMs empower developers to realize their future-proof, AIoT innovations, including industrial automation, AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots), autonomous driving, and more.
ADLINK is also working to provide COM-HPC and COM Express development kits based on ADLINK Express-RLP and COM-HPC-cRLS modules, with carriers supporting USB4 and PCIe Gen5 for on-the-spot prototyping and referencing.
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