RTsys has announced the contract signature with the Slovenian Navy for the supply of one COMET-MCM AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) and two NEMOSENS micro-AUVs.
“Delivering a new complete MCM ecosystem to a NATO Country is always a privilege for RTsys and confirms the attractiveness of our company in the supply of sea-proven ‘manned / unmanned teaming’ solutions” says Pierre-Alexandre Caux, RTsys business director.

Designed to assist EOD divers in operations the COMET-MCM (Mine CounterMeasures) AUV, interacts with Surface Communication Modules (SCM) and Positioning & Relay Beacons (PRB), whilst quickly and efficiently covering large underwater areas with high-definition sonar imaging and cameras. Offering extremely accurate real-time tracking and positioning COMET MCM brings its own navigation features (GPS, INS, DVL, swarm mode) and payloads to the mine warfare scene, while acting as relay or LBL positioning beacon.
The two NEMOSENS micro-AUVs are versatile, man-portable modular underwater vehicles measuring less than 90cm. Offering the same capabilities of live tracking and high accuracy positioning as the COMET, these micro-AUVS are capable of operating in very shallow water (less than 5m) for various operations including beaching operations, rapid environmental assessment or identification and localization of underwater mines. Easily deployable and recoverable, the NEMOSENS can be operated from a boat or from the shore, and provides a mission endurance of over 10 hours.
The 3 autonomous vehicles will be added to the existing range in use of SONADIVE hand held sonar units, giving the Slovenian Armed Forces, through its EOD Diving Department, full capabilities for Mine Counter Measures from very shallow water up to 300m depth.
“Autonomous vehicles combined with EOD divers’ skills remain the most reliable and efficient combination to operate safe MCM operations while reducing the time of divers’ action in the water. It also makes sense for Navies worldwide to cooperate closely with one unique manufacturer, from their original clarification of needs up to final delivery, operational training, spare part management and long-term support for maintenance.” explains Pierre-Alexandre Caux.