Simpulse has released new SL200 version, with major improvements.
An updated version of the SL200 mobile data link modem is now available. The new release features higher bitrate, lower latency and reduced power consumption, rendering mobile data and live HD video links even more effective and powerful.
SL200 improved features include :
- Higher bitrate to allow full quality HD video. The new version features a 50% increase in bitrate and thereby considerably enhances the quality of live HD video.
- Lower latency for faster Control & Command of drones and robots. Latency has been cut by half, enabling to pilot UAVs and UGVs even more quickly and efficiently.
- Reduced power consumption for greater autonomy and longer flying times.
Simpulse SL200 mobile data link modem is dedicated to mobile bi-directional transmission of data and video in challenging environments. The modem provides high-performance, robust and secure data links for long range distance as well as indoor environments, in LOS and Non-LOS conditions.