Smart Sourcing for Unmanned Systems
Discover cutting-edge solutions from leading global suppliersCONTROP Precision Technologies, a leading developer of electro-optical and infrared thermal imaging targeting and tracking systems for surveillance, security and defense, has partnered with Unmanned Systems Technology (“UST”) to demonstrate their expertise in this field. The ‘Gold’ profile highlights how their gyro-stabilized EO/IR gimbal payloads and sensor packages are used for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), drones and unmanned vehicles (including USVs and UGVs).
The STAMP family of lightweight miniature EO/IR payloads are designed for short and medium range surveillance and targeting missions, and are ideal for integration into UGVs, aerostats and small Group 1 and 2 VTOL and fixed-wing UAVs. The two-axis gyro-stabilized camera gimbals are available in a wide variety of configurations for day and night operational requirements.
With minimal weight and easy mounting, STAMP camera payloads provide high-performance Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Targeting (ISRT) for special operations, maritime patrol, law enforcement and other security and defense applications.
The iSky series of stabilized EO / IR payloads are designed for medium (3-5km) and long (7-10km) range missions, and can be installed on a wide range of unmanned platforms, including fixed-wing UAVs, unmanned helicopters, aerostats, UGVs and USVs.
With a variety of daytime and nighttime sensor options, automatic video tracking and powerful integrated image processing capabilities, the iSky series provides superior quality imagery for surveillance, observation, ISR and more.
CONTROP’s Land Surveillance Camera Systems provide observation and panoramic scanning for defense and homeland security, with long-range night vision and automatic moving target detection capabilities. They are ideal for counter-UAS operations and small vessel detection to protect borders, ports, airports, coastlines and more.
Featuring state-of-the-art sensors and advanced video processing algorithms, the Land Surveillance Camera Systems can be easily integrated with complementary systems to create a full defense and homeland security (HLS) solution.
The SIGHT-25HD is a gyro-stabilized medium-range targeting sight designed for ground vehicles as well as land- and naval-based remote weapons stations. Its EO/IR sensor package and advanced image processing facilitate rapid target assessment and engagement, day or night, even under severe weather conditions.
With superior line-of-sight retention and a range of up to 15km, the SIGHT-HD is ideal for remote weapons targeting as well as ISR and force protection applications and can be installed on a wide variety of fixed-site stations as well as UGVs, USVs and other mobile platforms.
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