LORD Corporation MicroStrain® Sensing Systems – a global leader in developing embedded sensing systems for aerospace and industrial markets – has introduced the IEPE-Link™-LXRS® wireless high-speed vibration monitoring node. The IEPE-Link samples raw data from industry standard piezoelectric IEPE-type accelerometers and transmits it wirelessly via a 2.4 GHz radio.
Capable of achieving sample rates of 104 kHz with 24-bit resolution, IEPE-Link precisely and efficiently synchronizes data collection amongst a network of wireless nodes, and its technology provides programmable low-pass filtering for signal optimization. Typical line of sight data transmission range is up to 2 km. The IEPE-Link is powered by rechargeable lithium polymer batteries or an external supply to ensure increased uptime. Applications for the IEPE-Link include vibration monitoring; condition-based monitoring of machines; health monitoring of aircraft, structures and vehicles; modal analysis; and product testing. Full-time series waveform data is available for advanced data analysis.
“Users who currently rely on hardwired solutions for their industry-standard IEPE-based vibration monitoring are now no longer restricted by the cost associated with the installation and protection of cables, not to mention the impact cables have on other operations within a facility,” said Chris Townsend, Senior Manager, Lord MicroStrain Sensing Systems. “The wireless capabilities also allow for quick installation and instant acquisition of vital data that can be viewed by any registered user with internet access. And the universality of its 2.4 GHz radio means users around the globe can reap its benefits.”
The IEPE-Link was designed to integrate perfectly with LORD MicroStrain’s existing line of wireless sensor nodes, including the TC-Link® thermocouple node, G-Link® accelerometer node, and RTD-Link RTD™ Sensor Node. LORD MicroStrain’s Node Commander® software supports configuration of the wireless nodes including discovery; initialization; radio frequency; sample rate; reading/writing to node EEPROM; calibrating node sensors; managing node batteries including sleep, wake and cycle power; and upgrading node firmware. With the software, users can easily program each node on the scalable network for burst mode sampling. The software also automatically configures radio communication to maximize the aggregate sample rate.
Central to LORD MicroStrain’s LXRS lossless data wireless sensor networks are WSDA® gateways which use proprietary beaconing protocols to synchronize precision timekeepers within each sensor node in the network. The WSDA also coordinates data collection from all sensor nodes. Optional SensorCloud™-enabled, wireless sensor data aggregators support autonomous web-based data visualization, alerts, and reports.