Powerful inspection software analytics platform gNext Labs review the most recent statistics concerning construction infrastructure and how asset owners can leverage the gNext Platform to transform infrastructure inspection for the construction industry.
Artificial intelligence and computer vision software by gNext Labs converts drone-captured video and imagery into high-accuracy 3D models, providing valuable insights within the construction sector, and enabling fast and efficient unmanned aerial inspections.
The State of Construction
The state of infrastructure is evolving. Cities are expanding to accommodate more people, and infrastructure sectors are beginning to focus on building and maintaining urban infrastructure and services that are “age-ready” or conducive for older persons and younger ones alike, according to a recent report from the World Bank. These changes can reap universal social and economic benefits. However, organizations are trying to ensure that the new technologies are up to par with infrastructure and safety standards.
Designing and building infrastructure requires significant time and substantial funding. But for multiple years, there’s been a labor shortage which is taking a toll on costs. Recently, the President and CEO of Home Builders Institute, Ed Brady, reported that the shortage reached a crisis level.
It’s projected that through 2024, the construction industry will have to welcome a whopping 2.2 million new hires in order to keep up with the housing demand alone. The cost of materials and resources is increasing. Numerous constraints affect infrastructure and construction companies, like budget, building regulations, and site access.
Certain types of assets that are used more regularly need to be repaired or replaced, like bridges, roads, and buildings. The high costs of construction projects add complexity to the public-private development model, especially when projects go off schedule.
That’s where gNext can help.
The gNext Platform for Construction
Many construction companies possess loads of survey technology to monitor grades, dirt, dirt movements, and more. However, many construction companies don’t possess the technology to monitor a project as its being built and lack the capability to review projects for modifications.
gNext is a comprehensive digital inspection and visualization platform designed to empower construction teams and human inspectors.
Our cloud-based solution enables users to seamlessly process and store asset data, visualize and manage information throughout every step of their projects. gNext can convert your construction asset data into accurate digital models, whether it’s captured via manual methods or with a drone.
You and your construction team can access this data anytime, anywhere in the world. All your files will remain safe and secure on the platform thanks to end-to-end encryption.
Recently, gNext partnered with reseller SITECH South to allow its customers access to customized inspection technology with expert service. gNext is taking the construction infrastructure inspection and management scene to new heights. It could be a game-changer for the construction industry.
Why is gNext Helpful for the Construction Industry?
The gNext Platform allows its users to plan and manage construction projects more efficiently, whether they’re on-site or working from the office. Here are just a few features construction companies possess when they leverage the gNext Platform:
- Can be used on any device as long as you have internet access
- Requires no application download
- Automated processing
- Easy to use
These features help teams effectively maintain project momentum and monitor construction progress.
gNext Platform Benefits the Construction Industry
Our platform helps construction companies monitor progress and reduce risks with a new set of eyes. Here are just a few benefits construction companies receive once they leverage the gNext Platform:
- Monitor and manage projects and construction projects easily with change-over-time and as-built comparison
- Combine project plans, BIM models, and drone-captured data for ‘as-built’ comparisons
- Collaborate in real-time with all stakeholders
- Compare work completed today with tomorrow’s planned vision to ensure projects stay on time and within budget
- Provide a digital trail for future reference and potential litigation mitigation
A prime example of a project staying on time and within budget was seen during the Michael O’Callaghan-Tillman Bridge Inspection. Engineering consultant Stantec relied on gNext for their drone image processing needs and was astonished by the efficacy of the platform!
Stantec used drone inspection software giant Skydio to capture about nine thousand high-quality photos of the bridge. With gNext at their disposal, the photos were processed in roughly 20 hours. Their team discovered the ease of use for gNext users to annotate directly on the 3D model, pictures, and videos to alert other parties of critical areas during the inspection process.
The gNext Platform also offers overlay visualization support, which allows users to import geospatially referenced drawings in DXF and KML formats. This means you can view design plans and the actual built structures, examine utility installations, detect construction mistakes, superimpose defect maps, and more. That provides users with greater inspection precision.
gNext also can aid the construction industry in mitigating litigations, which has long been a concern for infrastructure sectors. By incorporating drone construction software, clients can capture quality high-definition footage of their assets, improving their ability to track changes and validate claims. With a click of a button, clients can compare asset data from before, during, and after construction to determine any changes to the condition of the infrastructure.
Overall, gNext helps improve decision-making abilities and save time and money in the long run. gNext can make all the difference in navigating our world’s projected evolution, creating a sustainable present and future.
Experts have been discussing the need to digitize the inspection process in response to our aging critical infrastructure. The gNext Platform may just be the key to making a safer, future-proofed world.
Unleash the Power of Next-Level Technology
gNext aspires to partner with construction teams to streamline their planning and management abilities. Our platform can empower you and your team members to make mission-critical insights and decisions to create a safe, sustainable world. We will continue to introduce new tools and features on the platform in time, so stay tuned for updates.