LightWare LiDAR have created a series of videos exploring interesting topics around Light, Lasers and Physics. See below (and keeping checking back for new videos)…
Jump to Videos:
- Episode 01 – The Evolution of LiDAR
- Episode 02 – “What, exactly, is a laser?”
- Episode 03 – Power play: Choosing the right laser for the job
- Episode 04 – Lasers & Rainbows
- Episode 05 – The Science of LiDAR &; Light Amplification
- Episode 06 – Electron and photon conversion
- Episode 07 – Eye safety: Where technology meets biology
- Episode 08 – A Lens on LiDAR Optics
Episode 01 – The Evolution of LiDAR
Join Philip Constantine & James Portman of Lightware in Light Conversation on an exploration of the Evolution of LiDAR.
Episode 02 – “What, exactly, is a laser?”
Join Philip Constantine & James Portman for the second episode of LightConversations. How is it possible that the same technology that is used to cut diamonds is popular for its ability to remove hair permanently, or even that this same technology can measure the distance to the moon?
Episode 03 – Power play: Choosing the right laser for the job
You’ve surely heard the old adage: When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. That’s the complete antithesis of the laser spectrum: with colours ranging all the way from infrared to xray, and materials ranging from gas to liquid, the options are manifold. All of which means that instead of trying your best to make a solution fit your challenge, lasers can be manipulated, adjusted and tweaked to do just what you want them to do…
Episode 04 – Lasers & Rainbows
Think back to your school days. Do you remember how your science teacher taught you about light by focusing on rainbows and refraction, and about electricity by connecting lightbulbs to batteries? Chances are, though, that she didn’t show you how each element works together as part of a system…
Episode 05 – The Science of LiDAR & Light Amplification
Even the least scientifically-minded people have at least some idea of amplification, thanks to the amps most of us have tucked away in the lounge. That said, turning a small sound into a larger one is rather a different matter to amplifying light.
Episode 06 – Electron and photon conversion
Here’s a riddle: what gets lost every time you gain? The answer? Electrons and photons – when you’re converting electricity, that is…
Episode 07 – Eye safety: Where technology meets biology
Eye safety (and general biological safety) is of paramount importance when designing any laser-based system…
Episode 08 – A Lens on LiDAR Optics
Optics, a small word, yet a powerful game changer in the world of LiDAR. There are several elements in any machine or device that makes it work. People generally have this misconception that the laser, detector or signal processing unit is the most important component of a LiDAR… but it all boils down to the optics. Now that we have cleared up one myth, one fact remains: optics are the powerhouse of any LiDAR system. They are the American muscle cars of the LiDAR world- if you get the optics right, it provides the torque – that special superpower that makes a LiDAR work so well.