The ever-increasing adoption of machine vision and greater sensor deployment creates extensive opportunities for emerging image sensor technologies with enhanced or additional capabilities relative to well-established CMOS sensors. For example, imaging at wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum enables reduced optical scattering—useful for seeing through fog and hence for autonomous vehicles—mapping thermal profiles, and distinguishing visually similar materials.
At present short-wave infrared (SWIR, 1000-2000 nm) imaging is dominated by extensive InGaAs sensors, creating a clear opportunity for a disruptive, low-cost alternative. As such, multiple competing approaches are being developed, including increasing the sensitivity of silicon beyond 1000 nm by structuring the surface, and using a hybrid structure in which an organic semiconductor or quantum dots are mounted on a CMOS read-out circuit.
This talk examines the motivation and applications for SWIR image sensing, and assesses the opportunities, challenges, and adoption roadmap for the emerging technical approaches.
Presented by: Matthew Dyson, IDTechEx Ltd.
Sponsored by: Raptor Photonics Ltd.