Rising global food demand, reduced labor availability, environmental concerns and other issues are providing impetus for expanded levels of automation in the agricultural sector, including increased use of robotics products and technologies. The opportunity for robotics solutions alone runs to billions of dollars, and the market is largely a greenfield opportunity for producers of robotics solutions and the enabling technologies that are incorporated into them.
Agricultural robotics systems share many characteristics with other classes of robotics technologies, but in general they tend to be larger and more ruggedized than systems designed for indoor use, with many supporting autonomous localization and navigation. In addition, most agricultural robotics systems would operate in wide-ranging, outdoor, unstructured and dynamic environments. This alone makes design, engineering, testing and deployment of agricultural robotics systems challenging, which has limited innovation, becoming a gating factor for producing new classes of useful solutions. In this RoboBusiness Direct session, suitable for robotics OEMs, enabling technology providers, the investment community and others, the opportunity for agricultural robotics solutions will be described, along with engineering / business challenges and solutions to overcome them.
Topics include:
•   Demand drivers
•   Existing products and use cases
•   Critical challenges
•   Enabling technologies and services
•   The opportunity landscape
•   More