Modern commercial avionics companies are increasingly architecting their next generation airborne platforms based upon industry safety and technology standards, an approach which accelerates the design, development and deployment of next generation airborne platforms. Using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software solution stacks from suppliers with proven safety and security credentials further reduces risk and accelerates time-to-deployment.
Join Concurrent Technologies, ENSCO Avionics, Real-Time Innovations (RTI) and SYSGO as they showcase their latest COTS solution stack for cockpit displays, data transport connectivity, safety RTOS & Hypervisor, and Intel hardware designed to accelerate EUROCAE ED-12C and RTCA DO-178C DAL A safety certification. This team will discuss the integration of ENSCO Avionics IData and IDataMap, RTI Connext DDS Cert and Connext TSS, SYSGO PikeOS and ELinOS, and Concurrent Technologies OpenVPX/SOSA aligned, Intel-based processor hardware boards.