Inertial Navigation & Positioning Technology for Unmanned, Autonomous Systems
Seascan Mk2 ROV Lightweight self-propelled ROV for inspection missions
Seascan Mk2 ROV

Lightweight self-propelled ROV for inspection missions

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Seascan Mk2 ROV

Seascan Mk2 is a light weight self-propelled ROV dedicated to inspection missions. Its unique architecture ensures second to none performances in terms of hovering capability and stability in turbulent water. Seascan can be used for underwater identifications, environmental discovering as well as the anchorage or hull checking.

This self-propelled vehicle for inspection and identification allows for long range operations, compared to conventional ROVs, in harsh environmental conditions. It is fitted with a forward-looking sonar for target reacquisition and a set of 3 videa cameras for inspection and formal identification.

Easy to deploy from any kind of platform without the constraints of LARS, the user friendly command and control software offers auto piloting functions to improve mission efficiency.

High performances self­powered ROV

Powered by a rechargeable battery, the Seascan takes benefit of the real time sensor data gathering through the optical fiber without the limitations of classical ROV having to tow its umbilical cable. Thus it will be preferred for harsh environmental conditions (strong current), in obstructed area where umbilical may be caught or for increased range inspection (e.g. water pipe).

To simplify the task of the operator and improve mission efficiency, it integrates auto-depth and auto-track modules intended to automatize ROV’s path to reach the minefield area, using previous cartography data.

Combined with Exail's expertise in naval drone, it can be fitted on a dedicated Launch and Recovery System (LARS) to be deployed from an USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle)