AUVSI 2013: CONTROP USA to Exhibit New Advancements in Stabilized Miniature Payloads for Unmanned Systems

By Caroline Rees / 09 Aug 2013
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Stabilized Miniature Payloads

CONTROP’s EO/IR day/night Stabilized Miniature Payloads

CONTROP USA Inc. will be presenting its newest innovations at the upcoming AUVSI (12-15 August) within their Stabilized Miniature Payloads STAMP family of products. New offerings include two cooled EO/IR balled gimbals: the T-STAMP and TR-STAMP. These innovative systems provide extended range optics with continuous optical zoom cameras in a seven-inch and eight-inch stabilized gimbal. The T-STAMP offers dual sensors for day and night operation coupled with a laser pointer in a light weight seven-pound package. The TR-STAMP design includes a laser range finder in the highly stabilized gimbal for accurate geo-locating and targeting, all in a package weighing less than 14 pounds.

CONTROP USA is proud to announce that its parent company, CONTROP Precision Technologies Ltd. based in Israel, was recently honored with a prestigious award for Technological Innovation in Aerospace for the development of the STAMP family of Stabilized Miniature Payloads for Small UAVs. The award was given in recognition for and appreciation of CONTROP’s contribution to the success of the STAMP project and its significant contribution to Israel’s National Security. The STAMP family incorporates a wide range of miniature stabilized payloads developed for small tactical platforms.
The STAMP payloads were also selected by the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD) as a Sole Source Item for the Israeli Tactical SUAV Sky Rider Program. These payloads are operational in Israel and worldwide onboard a large variety of different SUAVs, VTOLs and tactical aerostats.

Hundreds of CONTROP’s STAMPs, including the new M-STAMP – a gyro stabilized Multi Sensor Payload for small UAVs and small A/C – were recently procured by a European Customer for a large scale SUAV program. The M-STAMP has a CCD with Continuous Zoom Lens, Uncooled IR Camera with continuous optical zoom and a Laser Pointer. An option for this revolutionary payload consists of an HD Camera with Continuous Zoom Lens in a cropped mode or optionally in full HD. The M-STAMP payload, with its proven quality and reliability, has been delivered to multiple satisfied customers in Europe and the USA, as well as to others.

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Posted by Caroline Rees Caroline co-founded Unmanned Systems Technology and has been at the forefront of the business ever since. With a Masters Degree in marketing Caroline has her finger on the pulse of all things unmanned and is committed to showcasing the very latest in unmanned technical innovation. Connect & Contact
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