SDS International (SDS) recently delivered a ROVATTS™-based Reaper MQ-9 Mission Training Device (MTD) to the Air National Guard (ANG) Distributed Training Operations Center (DTOC), that incorporates the latest upgrades being delivered to other ANG Reaper MTD users. The upgrades include SDS’ LIFE-based Artificially Intelligent (AI)-driven scene content capability and significant Instructor Operator Station (IOS) hardware/software improvements needed to ensure effective LIFE-based scenario development/execution by system operators.
SDS’ Advanced Technologies Division, delivered/installed the system, provided Reaper MTD system-specific and LIFE software-specific operations training to DTOC personnel, and advised DTOC personnel regarding MTD/LIFE Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) capabilities. SDS’ MQ-9 MTDs support crew (pilot and sensor operator) training or individual (pilot or sensor operator) training in a stand-alone environment, plus networked training involving a variety of live, virtual and constructive systems in either local or distributed exercises using DIS or HLA connectivity. As such, the MTD is capable of providing realistic Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and airborne weapons employment capabilities in support of a variety of white-force DMO events and exercises.
Inclusion of SDS’ AAcuity® LIFE-based constructive scene content capability within the MTD provides the inherent AI-driven content (vehicles, aircraft, humans, animals and special-effects) needed to support effective MTD-based ISR and airborne weapons employment training during stand-alone or networked training in virtually any urban or open-terrain simulation training environment.
LIFE-based scene content software includes two integral components: the LIFE-Content Development Tool (CDT) and the LIFE-Runtime Application (RA). For ANG MTD deliveries, SDS fully integrated the LIFE-CDT with the MTD’s upgraded IOS software allowing seamless MTD-system/LIFE-scenario mission planning/ execution from the improved IOS 2D and 3D displays. SDS also integrated the LIFE RA software with existing MTD capabilities using a server-approach that ensures exact correlation of scene content between the pilot and sensor operator stations. That approach also supports propagation of LIFE scene content from the MTD to—and interaction with–virtually any other live, virtual or constructive (LVC) component operating in a networked (local or distributed) environment.
For other applications, SDS also offers LIFE as a stand-alone application (combining the CDT and RA components into one laptop or PC-based system similar to other Semi-Automated Force applications) fully capable of supporting a variety of LVC components typically included in a DMO training, mission rehearsal and research applications.