Cambridge Pixel has combined its innovative display software with HBS Consulting’s drone detection system SpyDar to create the easy-to-use display, SpyDarView.
The asymmetric threat posed by Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) has highlighted the need for this man-portable, cost-effective detection solution.
SpyDar innovatively combines an array of super-high resolution cameras and the Echodyne EchoGuard radar. The SpyDar camera assembly fits directly on the EchoGuard radar such that the two sensor systems have a comparable field of view and sensitivity, dispensing with the need for an expensive and complex PTZ optical subsystem.
The solution can be further enhanced with the addition of an optional AI based image processing system from Openworks for automatic target classification.
SpyDarView displays detections from the radar and both panoramic and ‘area of interest’ live feeds from the camera array. Radar tracks are highlighted both on the PPI pane of the display and on the panoramic view. A simple touchscreen control interface is provided, allowing the operator to change range settings and grab screenshots for recording purposes.
SpyDarView is designed to run on rugged tablet computers and is an example of how Cambridge Pixel can rapidly develop bespoke displays for new radar and camera-based systems.
Mark Saunders, Sales Director at Cambridge Pixel, said; “SpyDarView is a custom solution with the screen layout optimized to match the sensors and make the system easy to use. Although, it is based on the code-base from our off-the-shelf VSD application, it is a unique solution for SpyDar.”
Graham Beall, Managing Director of HBS Consulting, said; “It has been a pleasure to collaborate with Cambridge Pixel. I was surprised how quickly and easily they were able to provide a completely tailored solution.”