Rugged high performance embedded computing manufacturer WOLF Advanced Technology specializes in the provision of advanced AI, and video I/O boards, modules and systems for aerospace and defense. Below they give us an insight into the company’s bleeding-edge technologies.
What are the most prevalent applications of your technology within the unmanned/autonomous space?
Our technology finds widespread applications in drones, rockets, mission computers, frame grabbers, H.264 and H.265 encoders, as well as video display processors.
What challenges are your customers facing within the unmanned sector that makes them choose your products?
WOLF Advanced Technology products address challenges by offering AS9100D quality, rugged Mil-810 qualified VPX, XMC, VITA, MXM, MXC, and other small form factor (SFF) bleeding edge, high-performance board technology.
Our extensive family of seven different configurations of 3UVPX SBC Orin AGX, ARM CORTEX, 2048 Core GPU, 64 Gen3 Tensor core processors, and 64GB LPDDR5 memory with advanced PCIe Gen-4 switch technology, FGX video inputs and outputs, and multiple channels of 10Gbps to 100Gbps KR Ethernet, ensures that we have a solution for every challenge.
Can you tell us more about your custom design services and how you can work with companies to accommodate specific system requirements?
WOLF actively seeks customer input for modifications to all WOLF board products, offering enhancements, customization, support for multiple System Open Standards Architecture (SOSA) aligned PCIe-bus configurations, analog and digital video I/O, tailored I/O requirements, as well as expertise in firmware, drivers, compatibility with Linux, Windows, and Real-Time OS, application software, and the incorporation of unique hardware features.
Do you feel that the market has now recovered since the chip shortages resulting from the global pandemic?
Yes, Defense and Aerospace customers are operating at full capacity.
Do you ship your products to other countries?
Yes, WOLF ships to all 33 NATO countries, as well as Israel, and South Korea.
Can you tell us more about the libraries available to assist in developing HPEC and AI applications such as machine vision and image detection?
Absolutely, we provide support for NVIDIA Jetson utilities and libraries, complemented by WOLF-enhanced software and firmware.
The following video gives context for how WOLF products are currently utilised by the military and aerospace industries:
Visit the WOLF Advanced Technology website to learn more about the company’s rugged computing and video I/O solutions for UAVs and robotics.