Inertial Labs has upgraded its Motion Reference Unit (MRU) with a new digital-to-analog converter that allows the device to be seamlessly integrated into legacy platforms. The MRU is a motion and navigation solution designed for maritime systems such as ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) and USVs (unmanned surface vessels).
With a long recalibration time of six years, easy output of commonly used data formats (Kongsberg/Seatex, Teledyne and SMC), and a modular design, the MRU is an ideal replacement for older, obsolete motion and navigation systems. The newest upgrade provides the option for users to purchase the device with an analog interface, greatly expanding the number of use-cases that the MRU can be used in.
The MRU product line features a tactical-grade MEMS-based Inertial Labs-manufactured IMU (inertial measurement unit), which utilizes 1 deg/hr bias in-run stability gyroscopes. Combined with the new digital-to-analog converter, this makes upgrades seamless and stress-free for older platforms operating in demanding marine applications in need of an improved navigation and motion reference solution that outputs position, velocity, heave, surge and sway information.
In addition to supporting a new analog interface, the MRU also supports many other commonly used interfaces such as fRS-232, RS-422, CAN, and Ethernet.