The Flight Stand 500 is a comprehensive test platform for testing the large brushless motors and propellers of heavy-lift eVTOL drones and UAM (urban air mobility) platforms. With a frictionless measurement system for high-accuracy results, it can sample at up to 1 kHz, enabling real-time dynamic testing and precise performance analysis. A wide range of parameters can be measured, including thrust, torque, RPM, voltage, current, power, and motor and propeller efficiency.
The complete package includes a force measurement unit (FMU), an electric measurement unit (EMU), a robust tubular structure, a sync hub to synchronize measurements, an optical RPM probe, and several temperature probes. The included Flight Stand software provides intuitive operation and visualization of test plans and data. Flight controller data can be imported, allowing you to replay your throttle pattern while the propulsion system is connected to the thrust stand.
Thrust | 5000 N |
Torque | 1500 Nm |
Voltage | 1000 V |
Current | 500 A |
Angular Speed | 30,000 RPM |
Sampling Rate | 1000 Hz |