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KAPAN Counter-UAS System Detection, tracking and neutralization of drone threats
KAPAN Counter-UAS System

Detection, tracking and neutralization of drone threats

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KAPAN Counter-UAS System Complete Security System Against Drone Threats

KAPAN Counter Drone System offers precise drone detection and tracking performance with Radar and Electro-Optic system combinations and its artificial intelligence integrated algorithms. Besides its detection and tracking capability, KAPAN allows the neutralization of drones with RF Jammer.

The target drone, which is detected and started to track, is identified with the thermal / day cameras and afterward, more precise positioning and tracking are performed. More than one system can be used depending on the characteristics of the area to be protected. In this case, by the command and control software, the targets can be fused and viewed as a single track on a common operational picture. The direction and position information of the target drone provided by sensors can be assigned to the RF jammer for neutralization.

Technical Specification
Radar Retinar FAR-AD Drone Detection Radar
Electro-Optic High Resolution and Long Range Cameras
Cooled MWIR Thermal Camera (640x512)
Full HD Daylight Camera (1920x1080)
Automatic Drone Classification and Tracking
RF Jammer Telemetery Communication & Control Bands
Video Transmitting Bands
WiFi / ISM Bands
GNSS Bands
Directional / Omnidirectional Antennas