Fiber Optic Gyro VG221
400°/s Input Range 0.05°/√h ARW 15gr Weight
The VG221 fiber optic gyroscopes are the newest Fizoptika Malta models. Being ultimately miniaturized (∅33 x 12mm) and lightweight (15 gram), the gyros offer low noise performance of 0.05 °/√h ARW. In addition, the VG221 consumes just 0.3W of power. These industry-leading SWaP (size, weight and power) parameters make the VG221 well-suited for space- and layout-limited applications such as UAVs, drones, unmanned vehicles, and robotics.
This family of ultra-miniature gyros currently includes two more variants – the VG221MS with enhanced magnetic resistance (0.1°/h/Gauss), and the VG221LN with super low noise performance (0.025°/√h).