Honda CR-V By-Wire Kit Released for Autonomy R&D Testing

The Hexagon | AutonomouStuff platform includes sensors, positioning hardware and a by-wire kit that contains a reliable R&D PACMod to enable autonomy on the Honda CR-V By Caroline Rees / 28 Oct 2022
Honda CR-V By-Wire Kit
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Hexagon | AutonomouStuff has released a new Honda CR-V by-wire kit to accelerate R&D for autonomy programs worldwide.

Autonomy research and development programs are vital in testing new hardware and software and encouraging innovation in universities and diverse industries. With the new Honda CR-V by-wire kit, Hexagon | AutonomouStuff aims to lower barriers to R&D by giving programs the ability to accelerate autonomous development on a mass-market vehicle.

The AutonomouStuff platform includes sensors, positioning hardware and a by-wire kit that contains the latest R&D PACMod from AutonomouStuff to enable autonomy on the Honda CR-V. The PACMod is a control module built internally and used as an interface between the computing system and vehicle. 

PACMod has been used in autonomous vehicles since 2017 and has continuously improved, making it reliable and flexible as new hardware and software are integrated. With the Honda CR-V, the by-wire kit is available for global R&D programs with both right-hand and left-hand versions.

“Programs supporting automated driving research, software development, electrical engineering and more have often faced barriers to obtaining an autonomous platform,” said Kevin Fay, vehicle platforms portfolio manager at Hexagon’s Autonomy & Positioning division. “With access to a by-wire kit enabling autonomy on mass-market platforms like a Honda CR-V, R&D programs can more easily ideate, test and validate their innovations in real-world scenarios.”

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Posted by Caroline Rees Caroline co-founded Unmanned Systems Technology and has been at the forefront of the business ever since. With a Masters Degree in marketing Caroline has her finger on the pulse of all things unmanned and is committed to showcasing the very latest in unmanned technical innovation. Connect & Contact