Smart Sourcing for Unmanned Systems
Discover cutting-edge solutions from leading global suppliersTeledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. and sister company, Teledyne Webb Research, will perform the design, development, fabrication, production, test, and support for the U.S. Navy’s Littoral Battlespace Sensing-Glider (LBS-G) program.

Teledyne Slocum gliders are long-endurance, buoyancy-driven Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) that provide a highly persistent means to sample and characterize the ocean water column properties. They can do this at spatial and temporal resolutions not possible using other vessels or tactical units alone.
The AUVs host a range of oceanographic sensors to support antisubmarine warfare, mine countermeasures and Naval Special Warfare mission areas.
Teledyne Slocum gliders provide the U.S. Navy the capability to conduct persistent sampling of large ocean areas for long periods of time. They also allow focused sampling to obtain extremely high-resolution data within a smaller, tactically significant operating area.
“We are pleased to announce the continuation of Teledyne’s successful partnership with the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command to deliver this capability,” stated Jan Hess, President of Teledyne’s Engineered System Segment and Teledyne Brown Engineering.
“We look forward to supporting the Navy and assisting with its awareness and understanding of the ocean’s conditions.”
The LBS-G System, part of the LBS Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUV) program, is part of a solution to close critical capability gaps allowing the U.S. Navy to characterize adequately and persistently the physical ocean environment on tactical and strategic scales in a battlespace.