Smart Sourcing for Unmanned Systems
Discover cutting-edge solutions from leading global suppliersWhiteFox Defense Technologies, a leading developer of counter-drone and airspace security technologies, has partnered with Unmanned Systems Technology (“UST”) to demonstrate their expertise in this field. The ‘Gold’ profile highlights how their pioneering solutions can be used to facilitate the safe, legal and secure integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into society and advance the uptake of drone technology in everyday life.
DroneFox is an all-in-one drone defense system that provides omni-directional detection, identification, and mitigation of rogue drone threats. The system scans the surrounding airspace for radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted by drones and controllers, providing live updates for real-time situational awareness.
DroneFox includes a comprehensive database of known UAV platforms, providing reliable identification and classification of a wide range of potential threats, and also features a configurable firewall that allows allied aircraft to continue operating. The system can be linked to counter-drone interception technologies in order to provide surgical mitigation under the proper authorization.
The system is available in two variants to support different requirements for counter-drone measures: DroneFox Mobile, an easily-transportable solution for rapid setup, and DroneFox Fortify, a fixed counter-drone system designed to protect bases, buildings, fixed structures and large areas.
WISDM is a compact, lightweight hardware module that provides secure and scalable remote identification for drones, meeting the requirements for U.S. FAA Remote ID as well as those of many other civil aviation authorities. The easily-deployed system can be integrated into almost any centralized authority, existing flight management system, or set of federated UAS Service Suppliers (USS), and is scalable for organizations and geographical regions of any size.
WISDM drone identifiers can be set up in a matter of minutes, requiring the user only to register with their civil aviation authority, and then to scan a QR code on the module that links the operator’s identity with their module and drone. Once attached to the drone and in flight, WISDM’s built-in sensors transmit vital identification and telemetry data such as location, speed and heading, acting as a secure digital license plate and allowing law enforcement and other officials to infer the intent of the drone.
WISDM is cryptographically secure, making malicious spoofing, tampering or forging impossible. It also provides a range of features that enable easier, more effective management of drone traffic, including authorized participation, enforcement of predefined airspaces, and the detection of revoked or expired authorization.
To find out more about WhiteFox and their counter-drone and airspace security solutions, please visit their profile page: