Smart Sourcing for Unmanned Systems
Discover cutting-edge solutions from leading global suppliersADLINK Technology, a developer of rugged embedded computing solutions, has released a whitepaper that discusses the importance of High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) as Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) evolve to become fully autonomous and conduct more complicated missions.
The paper explores why HPEC is so important in the development of future UGVs and discusses the following:
- The functional plan developed by the US Army’s Robotics Systems Joint Project Office (RS JPO) – the Unmanned Ground Systems Roadmap
- The processing demands of additional imaging and payload technology streams in UGVs, to allow platforms to operate autonomously in various conditions
- The evolution of technology standards, COTS and engineering innovation, with specific reference to VITA Technologies solutions.
Download the full whitepaper (re-directs to ADLINK’s website).
In order to meet the challenges and requirements of fully autonomous UGVs, including adequate payload support, a common, standards-based HPEC architecture must emerge and evolve. This whitepaper raises the issues that need to be considered so that new industry standards can be defined and developed to meet the SWaP requirements for future HPEC systems.
Download the full whitepaper (re-directs to ADLINK’s website).
ADLINK Technology provides a wide range of embedded computing products, including Extreme Rugged single board computers (SBCs), COM modules, VPX and VITA-75 systems designed for demanding military platforms such as UGVs.