UAV-g 2013 is a follow up conference of the very successful UAV-g 2011 at ETH Zurich. We are organizing a conference with the focus on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics (UAV-g). Using UAVs as data acquisition platform and as measurement instrument has become attractive for many emerging applications. However, there is no overall and easy solution.
Therefore, UAV-g 2013 brings together experts in photogrammetry, surveying, robotics, computer vision, artificial intelligence, aerospace engineering and geosciences. Researchers, developers, service and system providers as well as users are invited to contribute with presentations, posters, exhibitions, demonstrations and discussions to create synergies between research and applications using UAS in Geomatics.
The UAV-g sessions present scientific work or practical implementations addressing the problem of UAS in the field of Geomatics. Details on possible subjects can be found here.
We encourage researchers, developers, service and system providers as well as users to show the functionality of their UAS at the Airfield Stralsund-Barth. More details on the call for the UAS Airshow can be found here.
We would like to invite researchers, developers, service and system providers as well as users to present their UAS within this exhibition. Details on the exhibition can be found here.
Researchers, developers, service and system providers as well as users.
The official language for presentations and publications is English.
To learn more about UAV-g at Rostock University, to register to attend or exhibit, please click below.