About RPAS CivOps 2012
The RPAS CivOps 2012 conference is being organized by UVS International, in cooperation with the Belgian Royal Military Academy, and is coordinated with the European Commission (European RPAS Steering Group), EASA, Eurocontrol, JARUS, SESAR Joint Undertaking, ULTRA Consortium, EUROCAE WG73 on UAS and WG93 on Light RPAS.This conference will bring together representatives of the following communities and organizations:
- Current civil RPAS operators [commercial & non-commercial (research, governmental non-military)] (operator =Â person, organization or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in an RPAS operation);
- Organizations currently involved in preparing the future regulations for civil RPAS on a national & European level (incl. ERSG, EASA, EUROCONTROL, JARUS, SESAR JU, EUROCAE WG73 & WG93 on Light RPAS, ULTRA Consortium);
- Manufacturers of civil RPAS (all aircraft types of all sizes);
- Manufacturers of sub-systems for RPAS (including imagery & non-imagery sensors);
- National aviation authorities;
- European Commission, Directorate General Enterprise & Industry;
- European Commission, Directorate General Mobility & Transport;
- European Commission, Directorate General Research;
- European Commission Joint Research Centre;
- Insurance companies (underwriters & brokers);
- National associations involved with RPAS;
- National working groups involved with RPAS;
- Current & potential customers of flight services supplied with RPAS.
The objectives of this conference are to:
- Increase awareness relative to currently on-going civil RPAS operations (commercial & non commercial; non-governmental & governmental);
- Give a selected number of current civil RPAS operators the possibility to state their requirements (re: regulatory matters & remotely piloted aircraft & sensors);
- Contribute to identifying the civil RPAS community to itself;
- Highlight the diversity of current & potential civil RPAS applications and present business case examples;
- Disseminate information on the currently on-going civil RPAS-related regulatory activities in Europe;
- Disseminate information on recently concluded studies pertaining to civil RPAS applications;
- Permit potential customers of RPAS flight services to express their requirements;
- Create a forum for current and future civil RPAS operators, RPAS manufacturers and the representatives of the organizations that are involved in preparing the future for civil RPAS operations to interact;
- Present novel civil RPAS applications;
- Discuss critical issues such as command & control frequencies (in various environments), GPS spoofing, privacy, liability & insurance;
- Highlight current technology & regulatory gaps.
The topics to be covered by the conference will include:
- Current & future applications;
- Regulatory issues (national & European);
- Operator technical & performance requirements (VLOS & BLOS);
- System & sub-system development updates;
- Technology crunch points;
- Aerial work customer requirements;
- Operational experience & lessons learned.
Within the framework of the conference’s objective to disseminate pertinent information, a JARUS panel discussion will take place to make it possible for:
- JARUS representatives to brief the conference attendees on their recent, on-going work and upcoming work, and to give their views on European regulatory harmonization;
- Conference attendees to ask questions and have a public dialogue with the JARUS representatives.
In view of the anticipated establishment of a Qualified Entity in several European countries, this topic (including the organizational qualifications required to become a QE) will be discussed during this panel.
More Information and Registration
To learn more about RPAS CivOps 2012, to register to attend or exhibit, please click below.