Bringing together the army and special forces communities, the Land ISR & C2 Battle Management summit is the world’s only dedicated C2ISR conference for this community.
Armies and Special Forces need a range of C2ISR assets in order to operate successfully in uncertain and complex conditions – land forces need to be prepared to address a range of threats and operating environments; to control and defend territory as well as to stabilize and maintain order; to ‘see’ through both congested and austere electronic environments; to maneuver in both physical and digital spaces; and integrate and optimize ISR assets effectively.
Land ISR and C2 Battle Management will bring together the US Army Futures Command, decision-makers from the NATO alliance, and leading industry in order to leverage multi-domain concepts of operation to deliver decision advantage for NATO and its partners. The summit will identify trends that will shape modernisation efforts and explore new methods, organizations, and technologies to create innovative solutions.
To learn more about Land ISR & C2 Battle Management, to register to attend or exhibit, please click below.