High-Precision Digital MEMS Accelerometers Gyros for Demanding Unmanned Systems Operating In Harsh Environments
AXO®315: ±14 g, 24-bit digital closed-loop MEMS accelerometer with extended temperature range 1mg composite bias repeatability, VRE of 20µg/g²
AXO®315: ±14 g, 24-bit digital closed-loop MEMS accelerometer with extended temperature range

1mg composite bias repeatability, VRE of 20µg/g²

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AXO®315: ±14 g, 24-bit digital closed-loop MEMS accelerometer with extended temperature range High performance accelerometer with 24-bit digital SPI interface and SMD package

AXO315 features a force-rebalance architecture, a 24-bit digital SPI interface and an SMD package. Its performance approaches incumbent analog quartz accelerometers and mechanical inclinometers, but at a fraction of their size, weight, and price. It also outperforms all commercially available MEMS sensors components, and eases integration compared to analog sensors.

1mg composite bias repeatability in dynamic applications

AXO315 achieves a one-year composite bias repeatability of 1 mg, and a 600 ppm composite scale factor repeatability over temperatures ranging from -55 °C to +105 °C and under more than 4 g vibrations, with an outstanding vibration rejection. Performance is augmented by its superior Allan variance characteristics, with a basis instability of 4 µg, a velocity random walk of 0.006 m/s/√h and a very low noise of 15 µg/√Hz, thus enabling high resolution and low error.

For high performance IMU, INS and AHRS

AXO315 has been designed and developed to provide high precision and reliability in the most challenging environments, withstanding severe temperature and vibration conditions common in railway, avionics, oil & gas and in some industrial applications.

This product complements the existing lineup of the high-performance Tronics GYPRO® digital gyros. Its characteristics enable significant reduction in size, weight and cost of materials for INS, IMU and AHRS for dynamic applications.

Main applications
  • Acceleration/deceleration measurements in railway
  • IMU and INS for trains, ground and underground vehicles, and robots
  • Servo-inclinometer for precise industrial motion and tilt control
  • AHRS for eVTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircrafts and UAV
  • Test instrumentation
Key data
AXO315 performance Unit Typical values
Input range g ±14
Operating temperature range °C -55 to +105
1 year composite bias repeatability mg 1
Vibration Rectification Error µg/g² 20
Bias instability (Allan variance) µg 4
Noise density µg/√Hz 15
1 year composite scale factor repeatability ppm 600
Scale factor non linearity ppm 100
Bandwidth Hz >300
Power supply V 5
Size (l x w x h) mm 12 x 12 x 5.5