Closed Loop, Digital, MEMS Accelerometers & Gyros for Drones and Robotics

Tronics Microsystems

Closed Loop, Digital, MEMS Accelerometers & Gyros for Drones and Robotics

Tronics Microsystems - TDK CorporationTronics Microsystems, a subsidiary of TDK Corporation, is a leading manufacturer of high-precision digital accelerometers and MEMS gyros for demanding unmanned systems and autonomous vehicle applications.

We are the market’s only supplier of both high-performance force-rebalance digital SMD accelerometers and gyros, and our MEMS sensors are ideal for incorporation into IMUs and INS for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles) operating in highly dynamic and challenging environments.

Discover our high performance MEMS inertial sensors for demanding applications

Drone accelerometer
Drones & Aerospace
Attitude and motion control for VTOL & UAVs ​
smd accelerometers
MEMS inertial sensors for optical platform stabilization​
digital accelerometer sensor
Land and railway positioning and navigation
mems based accelerometer
Marine & Subsea
Guidance and navigation for unmanned & autonomous vessels

MEMS Gyroscopes


Precision angular rate sensor for railway, drones and autonomous vehicles

GYPRO MEMS Gyros - angular rate sensors

The GYPRO high-performance digital closed-loop MEMS gyroscopes provide angular rate measurement with ultra-low noise, low latency and high linearity. Designed to provide a digital SMD alternative to expensive and bulky FOG, DTG or quartz gyros, the MEMS sensors offer high bias stability and scale factor repeatability and low angular random walk.

high precision gyroscopes

Weighing just 2 grams, the miniature digital gyroscopes are housed in a hermetically-sealed SMT package, and provide a 24-bit SPI interface for easy integration and reduced bills of materials compared to analogue sensors.

The design is built around fully hard-coded electronics with no embedded software, and features built-in temperature compensation and self-test.

GYPRO gyros are factory calibrated and temperature-compensated to provide high-accuracy digital output over a broad temperature range. An embedded temperature sensor allows on-chip or external compensation.

GYPRO MEMS gyroscopes are non-classified under dual-use export control.

Drone gyroscope mems sensorThe versatile sensors are ideal for a wide range of unmanned systems applications, including:

  • GNSS-aided positioning and navigation of trains and land vehicles
  • Antenna and gimbal stabilization and pointing
  • IMU, INS and AHRS (attitude and heading reference systems) for drones and autonomous vehicles


GYPRO 4300
Size (mm) 12 x 12 x 5.5
Weight 2g
Input Range ±300 °/s
Bandwidth >200 Hz
Data Rate 1800 Hz
Latency <1 ms
Bias Repeatability 10°/h
Bias Instability (Allan variance) 0.4°/h
Angular Random Walk 0.07°/√hr

More information:  MEMS Gyros >

MEMS Accelerometers

AXO315 MEMS Accelerometer

Digital accelerometer with high bias stability & repeatability for railway, drones, autonomous vehicles and robotics

Precision accelerometers

The AXO315 is a digital high-performance closed-loop MEMS accelerometer designed as a performance-equivalent yet more SWaP (size, weight and power)-efficient alternative to incumbent analogue force-rebalance quartz and mechanical servo-accelerometers. Featuring very low noise and excellent linearity, the AXO315 delivers best-in-class composite bias repeatability and scale factor repeatability under demanding temperature and vibration conditions.

axo high-performance Linear accelerometerEnclosed in a hermetically-sealed SMD (surface mount device) ceramic package, the miniature accelerometer provides a 24-bit SPI interface for easy integration and reduced part counts in PCB designs.

The system is designed with fully hard-coded electronics and no embedded software, and features built-in temperature compensation and self-test.

The digital accelerometer shares the same interface as our GYPRO high performance gyros, making the two MEMS sensors complementary and easy to integrate in IMU and INS. It is also free from dual-use export control.

single axis accelerometer mems sensors

The versatile MEMS sensor is ideal for a wide range of unmanned systems applications, including:

  • GNSS-aided positioning and navigation of trains and land vehicles
  • Incorporation into IMUs (inertial measurement units) for ROVs (remotely operated vehicles), railway, drones and autonomous vehicles
  • Integration into INS (inertial navigation systems) for UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles) and land-based robotics

More information: AXO315 MEMS Accelerometer

AXO314 MEMS Accelerometer

High-dynamics digital accelerometer for precision navigation

AXO314 MEMS AccelerometerThe AXO®314 is a high-precision digital MEMS accelerometer designed to provide excellent stability and repeatability under high-dynamics conditions such as environments with significant shock and vibration. With a ±14 g input range and a bias instability of 4 µg, it is ideal for incorporation into UAV and unmanned systems navigation and positioning solutions such as IMUs and INS.

The SWaP-optimized accelerometer is enclosed within a miniature hermetic SMD package, and includes built-in self-test capabilities for initial verification of the sensor’s integrity and continuous in-operation functionality. With a 24-bit digital SPI interface, it can be easily integrated into a wide range of designs.

More information: AXO314 MEMS Accelerometer

AXO301 MEMS Accelerometer

Digital closed-loop accelerometer with high resolution and stability for high-vibration environmentsAXO301 high-resolution MEMS accelerometer

The AXO®301 is a high-accuracy single axis closed-loop MEMS accelerometer designed to provide acceleration and deceleration measurements for high-vibration applications such as UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles), land robotics and automated train control.

Providing a performance-equivalent and cost-effective alternative to quartz and servo-accelerometers, the miniature accelerometer is enclosed in a hermetic SMD package, making it ideal for even the most SWaP (size, weight and power)-limited applications.

Featuring a 24-bit digital SPI interface, the AXO®301 can be easily integrated into high-performance IMU and INS designs. The system’s built-in self-test capability ensures initial verification of the sensor’s integrity and continuous in-operation functionality.

More information: AXO301 MEMS Accelerometer

AXO305 MEMS Accelerometer

Digital closed-loop accelerometer for unmanned vehicle IMU & INS

AXO305 MEMS AccelerometerThe AXO®305 is a high-performance single-axis closed-loop digital MEMS accelerometer with a ± 5g input range. Featuring an excellent 1-year composite bias repeatability of 1mg, it is ideal for integration into IMUs, INS and MRUs for high-precision navigation and positioning of drones and robotics.

The low-SWaP accelerometer is highly suited as a replacement for bulkier and costlier quartz accelerometers, featuring a 24-bit digital SPI interface for ease of integration and reduction in BOM components.

The hermetically sealed unit also includes a built-in self-test capability that provides initial verification of the sensor’s integrity and continuous in-operation functionality.

More information: AXO305 MEMS Accelerometer

Product comparison:

AXO315 AXO314 AXO301 AXO305
Size 12 x 12 x 5.5 mm 12 x 12 x 5.4 mm 12 x 12 x 5.5 mm 12 x 12 x 5.5 mm
Weight 1.4 g 1.5 g 1.4 g 1.4 g
Full-Scale Acceleration Range ± 14g ± 14g ± 1g ± 5g
Bandwidth >300 Hz >300 Hz >15 Hz 120 Hz
1 Year Composite Bias Repeatability 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg
1 Year Composite Scale Factor Repeatability 600ppm 600ppm 1000ppm 1000ppm
Bias Instability (Allan variance) 4 μg 4 μg 3 μg 3 μg
Velocity Random Walk (Allan variance) 0.006 m/s/√hr 0.006 m/s/√hr 0.005 m/s/√hr 0.005 m/s/√hr
Noise Density 15 μg/√Hz 15 μg/√Hz 9 μg/√Hz 10 μg/√Hz
Vibration Rectification Error 20µg/g² 20µg/g² 20µg/g² 20µg/g²
Broadband resolution 328 µg 328 µg 50 µg 100 µg

More information:  MEMS Accelerometers >


AXO®305: High-Performance ±5 g MEMS accelerometer with digital interface

High-Performance ±5 g MEMS Accelerometer for Navigation (of Land, Marine and Robotics applications)

GYPRO®4300: High stability ± 300 °/s MEMS gyroscope with digital interface

High performance ± 300 °/s MEMS gyroscope with digital interface

AXO®301: High resolution ±1g MEMS accelerometer with digital interface

High resolution and high stability in vibrating environments


Product Spotlight: GYPRO®4300 High-Stability MEMS Rate Gyroscope with Low-SWaP Design

With a low-SWaP design and high-stability performance, the GYPRO®4300 MEMS gyroscope from Tronics Microsystems is engineered to support UAV, UGV, and marine navigation systems in demanding environments, offering a digital alternative to tactical-grade fiber optic gyros

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Digital MEMS Accelerometers Enter Full Volume Production

Tronics Microsystems completes the pilot production of its AXO®301 & AXO®305 MEMS accelerometers

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High-Performance Digital MEMS Gyro Enters Full Production

The GYPRO4300 features a bias instability of 0.4 °/h, an ARW of 0.07 °/√h and residual bias temperature error of 40 °/h

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High Stability Digital MEMS Gyro Released for Dynamic Applications 

TDK Corporation’s new Tronics GYPRO4300 features a ±300 °/s input measurement range, 200 Hz bandwidth and 1 ms latency with a closed-loop architecture that ensures high linearity and stability in dynamic environments

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New Tronics AXO300 Digital MEMS Accelerometers Released

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High-Performance Digital MEMS Accelerometer Released

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Tronics Microsystems Develops Digital MEMS Accelerometers & Gyros for Drones & Robotics

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TDK Corporation has released the Tronics AXO315, a miniature high-performance single-axis closed-loop MEMS accelerometer with a 24-bit digital SPI interface....

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Regional Offices & Locations
Tronic’s Microsystems SA France 98 Rue du Pré de l’Horme, 38926 Crolles Cedex, FRANCE +33 (0)4 76 97 29 50 Contact Website