Sams 50 Synthetic Apeture Sonar
The SAMS Series of synthetic aperture sonars (SAS) provides real-time processing and superior imaging performance for hydrographic surveying and subsea mapping. Based on unique new technology that utilizes fine coupling between acoustic data, inertial navigation and acoustic positioning, the systems are available as towfish platforms or OEM kits for AUVs and ROVs.
- Offers full swath of the seabed mapping in real time and high resolution (Synthetic Aperture Sonar and Gapfiller)
- Provides real-time high-quality maps
- Saves time during survey and post-processing
- Builds in sonar motion compensation
- Multi-sensor platform : echosounder, sub-bottom profiler, magnetometer, pinger locator
- Uses Delph Geophysical software from acquisition to post-processing
- OEM version available