Reliability Engineering Services, RAMS Engineering & Analysis for Drone & UAV Manufacturers

Anzen Engineering

Reliability Engineering Services, RAMS Engineering & Analysis for Drone & UAV Manufacturers

Anzen Engineering is a leading provider of systems safety and reliability engineering services for manufacturers of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and unmanned systems.

We are highly experienced in RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety) strategies for aerospace and defense engineering, and our solutions minimize the processing times and costs for essential validation and special airworthiness certification for eVTOL and unmanned systems. Learn more >

UAV System Safety Assessments

RAMS Engineering

RAMS is present during the entire lifecycle of a product, to reduce risks and costs during operation. Anzen collaborates with top leading manufacturers during certification of both specific and certified categories.


the ability of a system or component to operate under stated conditions for a specified period of time


the ability to function as and when required in a given environment


the ease with which a product or system can be maintained, serviced, modified or repaired


the ability to not malfunction in a way that causes hazards during the product or system lifecycle

Our Services

RAMS Analysis for Unmanned Systems, Drones & UAS

RAMS engineering is a key methodology in the development of complex systems – such as electrics/electronics, mechanical designs, and functional architectures – to achieve safe and reliable products under a full variety of demanding conditions. In this sense we provide our RAMS analysis and systems engineering services to clients in two main ways:

    1. Outsourcing of closed packages for specific projects. We provide all required documentation and establish delivery milestones according to your needs. Get a quote >
    2. Our Backoffice platform can solve all your RAMS concerns. Backoffice encompasses a wide variety of experts in each discipline and systems engineering, that will provide a complete solution to your problem in less than 48 hours. Your plan >

Drone RAMS Analysis

We provide expert reliability engineering services across a broad range of sectors including aeronautics and defense. Specific solutions include:

Failure Modes and Effects (and Criticality) Analysis (FMEA/FMECA) – reliability analysis for components and equipment

Functional Hazard Analysis (FHA) – failure modes and consequences analysis of each system function at each required level

Failure Modes Effects Summary – summary of FME(C)A failures and consequences at the equipment level

Preliminary Safety Assessment (PSA) – identifies the safety requirements at system level and provides an early estimation of their compliance

Intrinsic Hazard Analysis (IHA) – identify hazards coming from within the equipment, assess consequences and define mitigation measures

System Safety Assessment (SSA) – demonstrate compliance with all quantitative and qualitative safety requirements

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) – derive quantitative analyses for failure conditions or unexpected events

Particular Risk Analysis (PRA) – independence analyses related to particular threats such as bird strikes, lighting, debris, and uncontained engine rotor failure

Common Cause Analysis (CCA) – verification that failures of components are independent events

Zonal Safety Analysis (ZSA) – independence analysis focused on the physical installation of the equipment or systems

Reliability Prediction Report (RPR) – a quantitative analysis to get the MTBF of a complex system.

RAMS Reliability Engineering Services

Our Expertise

Reliability Engineering for UAS, RPAS & VTOL UAV

Anzen is a full member of the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE), and we actively contribute our expertise and experience to the development of European rules for the safe design of UAS.

We are part of the following EUROCAE Working Groups:

  • WG-105 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
  • WG-105 SG-4 – Design and Airworthiness
  • WG-105 SG-6 – SORA
  • WG-105 SG-41 – RPAS System Safety Assessment Criteria
  • WG-105 SG-61 – SORA Work Plan
  • WG-63 – Complex Aircraft Systems
  • WG-63 SG-1 – Applicability of Existing Development Assurance and System Safety Practices to UAS and VTOL
  • WG-113 – Hybrid Electric Propulsion
  • WG-112 – VTOL
  • ED-280 – Guidelines for UAS safety analysis for the Specific category

We have also collaborated with a number of universities and research institutions to share knowledge, advance the industry, and accelerate improvements in UAS development.

Special Airworthiness Certification

Airworthiness Certification for UAS & Drones

The complexity of the certification process for UAS increases significantly due to the risk assessment requirements applicable to drones known as SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment).

UAS Airworthiness CertificationWe support clients looking to certify a UAS in the definition of the certification roadmap and the SAIL (Specific Assurance and Integrity Levels), based on CONOPS (Concept of Operations), as well as developing associated Safety activities. We use these frameworks to establish an adequate level of confidence that operations can be conducted within an acceptable level of risk.

eVTOL Certification

An eVTOL global key player Anzen is supporting some of the leading eVTOL platforms in USA and Europe, looking to achieve eVTOL certification. As a leader in RAMS in eVTOL engineering we have extensive experience in hybrid, distributed, and electric propulsion and can offer comprehensive solutions to ensure efficient and safe eVTOL vehicle operation.
eVTOL Special Airworthiness Certificate
Specialist areas include:

  • Electric propulsion
  • Multiple Rotors
  • Autonomy
  • Urban Environments


Anzen Engineering Selected for ARIEL Programme

Anzen's engineering team will work under the supervision of Airbus Defence and Space on the design and reliability analysis of the spacecraft's main systems for the ARIEL mission

Aug 16, 2023
RAMS Analysis for UAVs & Unmanned Systems

Anzen Engineering has released a new white paper explaining the importance of RAMS analysis for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and...

Nov 14, 2022
Anzen Awarded Grant for Aerospace Safety Analysis Software Development

Anzen Engineering has confirmed that it has been awarded a €250,000 grant by the Spanish government organization CDTI (Centre for...

Feb 15, 2022
Anzen Engineering Provides Systems Safety & Reliability Engineering for UAVs

Anzen Engineering, a leading provider of systems safety and reliability engineering services for manufacturers of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and...

Oct 05, 2021
Regional Offices & Locations
Anzen Aerospace Engineering SL Spain Avenida Gregorio Peces Barba 1, 28919, Leganés, Madrid-Spain Contact Office Contact Website
Anzen - USA Office United States of America Washington DC Contact Office Website
Anzen - Switzerland Office Switzerland Luzern Contact Office Website
Anzen - UAE Office United Arab Erimates Abu Dhabi Contact Office Website