Advanced FOG-Based Inertial Sensing Technologies for Unmanned Systems
MU-2A-MC FOG IMU MIL-STD-810F six-axis FOG-based IMU with 1.5 μg accelerometer bias instability

MIL-STD-810F six-axis FOG-based IMU with 1.5 μg accelerometer bias instability

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The Aegiverse MU-2A-MC is an advanced six-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit) that integrates closed-loop fiber optic gyros with high-end quartz MEMS accelerometers, and delivers accurate measurement of angular velocity, linear acceleration, and orientation for UAVs and other unmanned systems such as UGVs, USVs and UUVs.

Featuring a compact and lightweight form factor, the MU- 2A-MC is easy to integrate into a wide range of platforms and designs, and is ideal for mass production. It has been rigorously tested to MIL-STD-610 and IP67 standards, providing protection against extreme environmental conditions. It has also been engineered to withstand the high-impact and high-vibration conditions experienced by rocket launches, making it ideal for space applications.


Dimensions: 232 x 188 x 128 mm
Weight: 4.5 kg
Gyro Bias Instability: 0.020 °/hr
Gyro ARW: 0.010 °/√hr
Gyro Bias Stability: 0.100 °/hr
Accelerometer Operating Range: ± 13 g
Accelerometer Bias Instability: 1.5 μg
Accelerometer VRW: 30 μg/√Hz
Accelerometer Bias Repeatability: 1000 μg (1 year)